WhatsApp Business API features

September 8, 2022
WhatsApp API Features

Businesses that choose to use WhatsApp Business API messaging are able to take advantage of a variety of advantages. Reach and engagement are the two that stick out the most. It is rather clear considering that 2 billion people use WhatsApp globally. When it comes to engagement, the delivery, open, and conversion rates are absolutely phenomenal.

But what else is on offer? Check out this list of WhatsApp business benefits:

You’re not asking your clients to download a new app or learn how to use a new platform since they already have WhatsApp. which they most likely use every day to interact with the people who matter to them most—their friends and family.


The WhatsApp Business API was created with everyone’s security in mind, safeguarding both clients and businesses. It is safe to be there since measures have been taken to guarantee that message templates are approved before sending, that communications are encrypted from beginning to finish, and that there aren’t any duplicate phone numbers or accounts that could lead to confusion.


Opt-in is essential for all messages delivered through the WhatsApp network since nobody wants to learn about football when they are just interested in motorsport. Opting in ensures that all messages are pertinent, which lowers spam complaints and annoys customers.


You can’t help but look at your phone when it beeps, buzzes, or pings since it needs to be attended to right away. Utilizing WhatsApp for business allows you to profit from that response. Customers respond to their mobile phone because it is a close companion and an extension of who they are.


Let’s face it: it’s difficult to beat a simple text message for a simple notification, but what happens when that fails? A rich message, which WhatsApp business accounts can provide, is required when you want to include a photo or a video in the message, something that really speaks to your customer and starts a conversation.


WhatsApp has a clear advantage when it comes to communicating with your customers because it is designed for conversation. Built-in indicators (the tick system) let you easily track the status of messages and even see when a reply is being typed, making it ideal for starting a two-way, interactive conversation and tracking progress.

These are some of the main WhatsApp features; if you require a more detailed description of the WhatsApp API, please see the website documentation . If you’re curious about the pricing method and how WhatsApp messages are charged in Saudi Arabia, WhatsApp pricing in KSA – Taqnyat Blog