Why should you beware of dealing with not licensed companies by the Communications, Space and Technology Commission?

October 8, 2023

Dealing with companies that are not licensed by the Communications, Space and Technology Commission: Will it lead to the destruction of your business?

You may have heard an advice from near and far: “Beware of dealing with companies that are not licensed by the Communications, Space and Technology Commission,” but you did not pay attention to that advice, and wondered: Why should I? Or even what is the reason of staying away from dealing with these companies? You may like to try these companies to know the reason behind this. Everyone advised you but did not tell you why. So for this reason, we have presented this article, in which you will find all the answers of the questions that are troubling you; so take advantage of what has been written and stay away from those companies that can destroy your business.

Did you know that Taqnyat whose ultimate goal is to obtain customer satisfaction? It adheres to strict periodic cybersecurity inspection standards; so forget about unlicensed companies, and connect with Taqnyat that will change the course of your business for the better.

Main reasons to be wary of dealing with companies that are not licensed by the Communications and Information Technology Commission

Everyone is wary of dealing with these companies. What they found, and when someone advises you not to deal with those companies; do not take any risks, as there are dozens of reasons to stay away from dealing with companies that are not licensed by the Communications, Space and Technology Commission, the most important of which are the following:

  • Failure to adhere quality and safety standards:

Unlicensed companies are not required to adhere to quality and safety standards. Therefore, it is difficult to achieve quality improvements, and this will negatively affect your business, and when you ask them why; they ignore your words, and do not care about what you said. So you'd better not deal with them.

  • Inability to hold unlicensed companies accountable:

Are you convinced that you should stay away from dealing with companies that are not licensed by the Communications, Space and Technology Commission, or not yet? Well, did you know that you cannot hold unlicensed companies accountable? So you better not deal with them, and warn everyone as well.

  • Security risks due to lack of control and supervision:

These risks occur due to poor and weak supervision and oversight. These companies don't have oversight and control as happens in other licensed companies. This of course is what you don't want.

  • Difficulty in handling complaints and claims:

It is certain that you will have some complaints if you deal with any company, but when you deal with a company that is not licensed by the Communications and Information Technology Commission, it will be difficult to address those complaints and your claims. This will certainly negatively affect your business.

  • Possibility of exploiting users and not adhering to contracts:

If you want to deal with companies that are not licensed by the Communications, Space and Technology Commission; you are entirely responsible for what happens to you, and do not be surprised to find that you are being taken advantage of, not honoring contracts, and not complying with the requirements of applicable regulations.

  • Providing services without a license is a legal violation:

You must be careful not to deal with any company that provides services without a license. This is considered a statutory violation, and you certainly do not want to throw yourself into the pit, as it is not possible that after hearing all of this, would you like to deal with these companies!

  • Lack of proper customer service at unlicensed companies:

What distinguishes any company licensed by the Communications and Information Technology Commission is that it provides distinguished customer service, unlike unlicensed companies, or even provide disreputable customer service, and you will not benefit anything from it, and this difference affects your business. If you want to reach the top; deal with companies licensed by the Authority and stay away from those that are not licensed.

  • Lack of support from individuals in the organization:

It is known that dealing with companies that are not licensed by the Authority does not have the support or cooperation of individuals who work in the organization. Therefore, quality improvements are difficult to be achieved. Therefore, you should choose a company whose ultimate goal is to obtain your satisfaction, and there is cooperation and support from individuals within the company to achieve that goal.

  • Difficulty in knowing the identity of unlicensed companies and their owners

Companies that are not licensed by the Communications, Space and Technology Commission do not disclose their owners or anything related to their identity. So that users do not have access to anything that could blame it. It will be difficult for you to know the identity of these companies. So be careful and do not deal with companies whose identity you know nothing about.

  • Lack of transparency in dealings and obligations towards users:

It seems that customers' rights cannot be respected when dealing with companies not licensed by the Authority in the absence of transparency and obligations towards users. So don't risk your business and deal with these companies.

Why should you depend on a Taqnyat company and stay away from unlicensed companies?

One of the necessities that no individual can ignore is dealing with a licensed company, and staying away from unlicensed ones. There are many companies licensed by the Communications, Space and Technology Commission, among which are: Taqnyat Company, which adheres to strict periodic cybersecurity inspection standards because its ultimate goal is to achieve customer satisfaction, it also has many features, which can be summarized as follows:

  • Speed in identifying the sender's name.
  • Provides technical support around the clock.
  • High speed and quality in delivering messages, as the transmission takes place through the company’s servers directly with the operators.
  • Unparalleled competitive prices.
  • Provides super-fast service.
  • An easy-to-use control panel that anyone can handle.

So do not wait any longer, and spend a lot of unnecessary time searching, and contact us immediately. We are waiting for you.

At the end:

Do you know now why everyone warns you against dealing with companies that are not licensed by the Communications, Space and Technology Commission? Not everyone wants to deal with these companies. Because it is difficult to know its identity and owners, and its employees can be exploited and contracts not adhered to, as well as the difficulty of handling customer complaints and claims, the lack of appropriate customer service for them, the lack of transparency in dealings and obligations towards users, and it is possible that you will fall into security risks when you deal with these companies. For the reason that it is not subject to control and supervision and so on, it is better for you to be careful not to deal with them and deal with licensed companies such as: Taqnyat Company, and enjoy support around the clock.

What are you waiting for? Contact us now, enjoy unparalleled prices in exchange for excellent service, as we are one of the best companies in the KSA. Contact us.