Features of shortened links and their benefits in your advertising campaigns

October 8, 2023

One of the attractive sentences is: Profit from shortened links. This sentence may be ambiguous and interesting as well, especially among Arab youth who are not aware about dimensions of the shortened links, and in case you are looking for an easy and quick method to profit through the Internet, and from shortening links in particular. Then you are in the right place, because throughout this article we will explain the concept of shortened links, and it's most important elements. So follow along.

Would you like to evaluate the success of your campaigns accurately? Then you should use a Taqnyat platform that enables you to send SMS messages of the shortened links that reach the targeted people at special prices. So try it now and let us know what you think.

Taking advantage of shortened links in advertising campaigns

One of the questions that are frequently asked by some people is; Is shortening links really important? Of course yes. A long link is confusing to many which lead to the loss of some clicks as a result of its length. Statistics have proven that a large number of users of social media platforms do not bother clicking on long links. Moreover, publishing long links on social media platforms may make a problem. Social media is harmful to your site, but there is no need to panic and worry because the solution is very easy and simple, which is: the capabilities of shortened links that provide you with many benefits, including:

Knowing the statistics of your links:

Some link shortening sites make you able to know the statistics of your links, which are the number of visits, the number of clicks, and other important data which helps you a lot in improving the value of your level and raising it. It also helps you in marketing specific information intensively.

Attract users to click on links:

When you post a long link on social media platforms, it appears quite unattractive. This causes users to worry about it, and then feel offensive of clicking on it, but the capabilities of shortened links solve this problem, as they make the long link concise and clear.

Sending the link within a specified number of characters

Each social media platform sets a limit number of characters you can include in your posts. LinkedIn and Twitter allow a small number of characters, which is between 280 and 600 characters. Therefore, if you want to include a link in your advertising campaign, we advise you to shorten links in order not to exceed the specific limit.

Elements of the profit system from shortening links:

The process of profiting from the shortened links depends on a system of several elements, and during this system profit is achieved and shared among these elements based on the role of each element. Therefore, you must know the elements involved in this profit-making organization, so that you can determine your position, and these elements are as follows:

Link shortening company:

The link shortening company constitutes the basic element in the system of profit from shortened links, and it is the company that has a smart program that can transform long and complex links into another link that is concise, clear, short, and also attractive, and here we would like to highlight what the technology platform offers. It provides a high quality text messaging service that enables you to ensure that shortened links reach the targeted people as quickly as possible. So don't wait and contact her immediately, and enjoy increasing your sales.
When the targets visit that short link, a number of advertisements appear to them. These advertisements are most likely on the home page of the link..
The user can bypass these ads through (Skip Ads), and these ads may often be for a third part, namely: The advertiser is the second element of the profitable system. For your information, not all link shortening companies are necessarily to be profit, as some companies provide link shortening services for analytical and marketing purposes.


The advertiser may be a person or a company, and most likely the advertiser is completely independent from the link shortening company, but there is a contract between these two elements. This contract stipulates that the advertisements will be displayed in exchange for a financial return that the link shortening company will receive.

For users (visitors of shortened links):

This element means people who use the Internet, and who are shown short links when using social media platforms and other sites, they click on these short links to open to a web page, and then show them the advertisers' ads.
We conclude that achieving profit through shortening links will not be possible unless there are active users. Not only that, but the profit rate for all items will increase as same as the number of users who visit the shortened links increases.

What are the steps to profit from link shortening capabilities?

There are a set of steps that you must follow if you want to make profits from shortening links, and these steps are as follows:

Choose a link shortening company:

It is worth clarifying that not all companies provide the same services, as some companies provide a link shortening service with other features without the benefit of profit. Of course, this type of company will not be ideal, but it wants to make a profit. Therefore, you will need to choose a reliable company that sends profits to its owners.

Determine the language and target audience:

You should know that the profit from advertising varies according to a group of factors, including: the language and geographical region of the visitor. Profits are calculated using the cost per 1,000 visitors (CPM). Note that the profits resulting from visits from the United States of America exceed the profits resulting from some countries. Such as: Algeria, Egypt... and so on. So you need to identify the audience with the highest price per click.

Visitor source:

After determining both the company and the geographical area where you target your audience, now the role of the methods by which you will deliver your links to the audience so they click on them, and from here comes our role as a Taqnyat platform, as we provide you with more than one method through which you can send links.

How do technologies help you take advantage of the capabilities of shortened links in advertising campaigns?

Some people who want to make a profit from shortened links wonder about the importance of using the Taqnyat platform. It is worth noting that the importance of Taqnyat lies in:

Providing group messages:

Providing mass messaging technologies, which in turn connect to the telecommunications provider in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in which raises the level of security and privacy, in addition to quick access for companies.

Text messaging service:

Taqnyat also provides a text messaging service with guaranteed and high accessibility that is completely free of any technical errors. This ensures that the shortened links reach the targeted people.

Customize advertising campaigns:

One of the advantages that push you to rely on the Taqnyat platform is that it gives customers a smooth experience by customizing advertising campaigns and working to display them, which results in raising the profit rate through the Internet. .

At the end

Our article on has cleared the capabilities of shortened links in advertising campaigns, during which we explained to you the most important main elements that make up the profit system from shortening links. Shortening links is one of the attractive marketing methods in our current time, as it is used in short text messages through which promotion can be made. For one of the brands on social media and adding more professionalism to it, it also helps you collect and track the number of clicks, their time, as well as their location, and gain the trust and security of your customers, after that increasing your customers’ shares.

Do you dream of always being ahead of your competitors and having your reputation spread throughout the world? Then use the great edifice of Taqnyat in the capabilities of shortening links. For that, contact us now to achieve the highest possible profit rate, and do not miss recommending the Taqnyat platform to those around you, so that they can enjoy its wonderful services.