Raising the level of relationship with customers by effective communication through Taqnyat channels

October 8, 2023

Increasing competition and user expectations constantly, there is an urgent need to raise the level of relationship with customers. Thinking logically and compatible with modern strategies is a must, especially when it comes to increasing customer satisfaction and interaction. From this standpoint, Taqnyat provide some vital channels, such as chatbots, SMS messages, emails, etc, to enhance customer service operations in a fundamental way. Know that building a strong relationship with your customers generates trust and loyalty between you; so we are talking about how to raise the level of the relationship with customers through effective communication through Taqnyat channels; So follow along.

Meet your customers' needs:

Meet the needs of your customers, use the communication channels provided by Taqnyat, and enjoy raising the level of the relationship with customers significantly. What are you waiting for? Try it now.

Raise the level of relationship with customers:

Effective customer management plays a crucial role in improving your relationship; which will reflect in your interaction about projects later, or the service you provide, or even the products you want to promote.

You must take advantage of the multiple channels provided by the Taqnyat platform to be able to create positive and lasting relationships with your customers, which will benefit your business, as follows:

How to raise the level of relationship with customers through email?

Taqnyat always seeks to raise the level of the relationship with customers through effective communication by its multiple channels, including: e-mail, which is an ideal way to achieve marketing goals. It is an effective form of social communication, and can improve effective communication with customers and build strong relationships between them. By email through the following:

  • Be consistent:

In order to make communication more effective with your customers; Stay in touch with them by sending a regular newsletter, if you would send a weekly newsletter; Check their submission weekly, if they have any issues, resolve them immediately. Make sure you are their first priority.

  • Meet customer needs:

Being in contact with your customers, means that you must know who they are and what their most important needs. What obstacles do they face, and what does success look like for them? So you should send a message to your customers whose content is relevant, meets their requirements, interests and solves their problem. The more you know about your customers; you'll be empowered to provide them with the content they're looking for.

  • Response within 24 hours:

If a customer contacts you through email with an inquiry or problem solving; you must respond within 24 hours. Even if the problem is complex and there is no quick solution, it is best to ensure that you are consistently providing quick responses to all customers.

If it takes enough time to solve the problem; it is best to respond through an email including "working on it", but if you postpone the response and think about saying a specific response; there is a possibility of losing the customer

  • Bonus email subscribers:

Ensuring that your customers know that you appreciate them by rewarding those discounts or exclusive information, and the like all of that is another way that helps raising the level of relationship with customers through effective communication. Remember that in doing so you are deepening your relationship with them. Are you excited to try the communication channels provided by Taqnyat? Contact us now, and take advantage of our countless advantages. We are waiting for you.

  • Raise the level of relationship with customers through SMS:

During this digital age, Taqnyat offers its various channels to raise the level of the relationship with customers, and we particularly mention to SMS, which is an effective form of communication that will communicate what you want to your audience. Below are the best tips that can be used during which it builds the idea of effective communication with customers through SMS:

  • Send thank you letters:

You can raise the level of the relationship with customers by communicating effectively through SMS, the content of which is to thank customers for appreciating you and preferring you over other companies. This method is very effective for building constructive and meaningful relationships with them and showing that you value their relationships.

  • Send tips and advice:

Try to benefit from the SMS service adopted by the Taqnyat platform. In order to send tips and advice to your customers according to what they want. This will help you build trust and loyalty among your customers.

  • Send personal messages:

Another way to help raise the level of the relationship with customers is through effective communication through SMS, and that is by personalizing text messages, as you will give your customers a kind gesture that indicates your interest and appreciation for them.

  • Send reminders:

Through SMS you can also send reminders to all your customers about the most prominent offers and discounts, whether it is an upcoming offer, or even a special discount you want to inform them and accept the purchase.

  • Providing promotions:

Another feature of SMS that contributes to effective communication with customers is sending them promotional messages, and thus there will be more interaction, which in turn leads to customer loyalty and increased sales.

  • Check that your message is persuasive:

One of the effective ways to raise the relationship with customers is to write messages in a convincing and attractive way. Because naturally no one wants to read a message that is boring, monotonous, or even does not provide any benefit. So check that your messages have all these features.

Ways to raise the level of relationship with customers through a chatbot

Chatbots never have revolutionized customer interaction, but after the massive technological progress that we are experiencing; Chatbots is a channel supported by Taqnyat and have a vital role in raising the level of the relationship with customers. Let us take a look at the most prominent ways in which chatbots help. Enhancing customer service and building a strong relationship between them:

  • Quick problems solving:

Chatbots are able to answer customer questions in a very fast time, which contributes to resolve any issues the customer faces. Thus leads to a better service experience as there is no waiting time for issues to be resolved.

  • Analyzing customer data and improving services:

The chatbot analyzes customer data to generate reports on customer needs and requirements, thus contributing in product innovation, or even improving their quality based on the customer’s preferences.

  • Serve many audiences:

Chatbots can elevate the relationship with customers by communicating in many languages, thus making the customer service experience from different parts of the world smooth, not to mention making customers feel happy when they have the opportunity to communicate freely in their native language.

At the end:

After mentioning the most prominent channels that help in raising the level of the relationship with customers, you must be well aware that communication is the magic key to establishing a trustworthy relationship, and a strong relationship with your customers will increase your target audience’s appreciation for you and keep them within your ecosystem, and defend your brand. It requires some exhaustion; to build this relationship that will bring you great benefit in your work, the channels we mentioned above show you what it means to communicate well and build trust between you and your client; so try to take advantage of it

Don't look too hard for ways to help raise the level of customer relationship. Contact us now, as Taqnyat is keen as usual to provide multiple channels to help communicate effectively with customers and build strong relationships with them.