Business Intelligence: Will Machines Overturn the Future of Business?

July 1, 2024

With the emergence of groundbreaking innovations across most aspects of our lives, the importance of keeping up with AI-powered technologies has increased. We now need to understand future technologies and enhance human intelligence by integrating them with smart technology. There is a growing need for an early understanding of the impacts of AI and future technologies on our industries and services. These technologies help increase company productivity intensively by providing clear visions and strategies for the future within management, implementing AI processes, and offering intelligent responses to the company’s audience through innovative methods of executing required tasks. This ensures a proper mix to enhance business, achieve development, and improve technology and available resources.

Why AI and Future Tools?

AI will become the sole communication channel between foresight and radical innovation. In the business sector, AI investments are expected to exceed $15.7 trillion by 2030. The rate of change by 2025 will be three times faster than it is now, and by 2035, technologies will change rapidly compared to the present. This transformation will impact all human aspects, making it crucial to adapt to these changes starting today. Simultaneously, 85% of executives believe AI will make their jobs easier and more efficient, and 66% of experts agree that AI will generate significant value.

AI in the Business Environment

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has seen widespread global adoption, enabling companies and institutions to benefit from its various technologies, such as Google Translate, Siri, and advanced AI. These technologies possess cognitive abilities surpassing human intelligence and continuously learn from new experiences, deriving insights based on past experiences, tasks, and available company data. AI usage intersects with various daily tasks and operations, including data analysis, audience targeting, personalized content, measuring advertising campaign performance, customizing user experiences, monitoring competitors, improving customer service, predictive marketing, and more.


AI in the Business Environment

A New Future for AI Solution Providers in Communications

Over the past years, rapid technological changes have profoundly impacted the business sector, highlighting the role of humans and the importance of empowering them with modern tools to deliver creative work. This realization led to companies like "Taqnyat " providing the most effective and efficient communication tools , striving to use AI applications to accelerate the intelligent transformation towards a smart enterprise. This enables them to quickly build business accelerators in AI and future management tools, thereby leveraging foresight systems for profitability and business sustainability. They implement new cost and risk management methods, directing operational efficiency in AI, continuously developing employee capabilities, reducing resistance to intelligent transformation, and improving the work environment. These developments and AI models are applied to solutions like WhatsApp, chatbots, and text messages offered by the company.

The Fear Aura Around AI

AI is among the Technologies designed to serve humanity, and the immense fear surrounding it is illogical. It’s a relatively new technology announced only a few years ago, naturally causing an aura of fears and perceptions. In reality, AI is just software that mimics human neural sensors. These language models become more refined as more data is input, and it's essential to note that humans control these inputs. While the world debates the jobs that might vanish due to generative AI applications, "Taqnyat " diligently assesses this technology by focusing on opportunities, harnessing these new applications to boost creativity in its products, and enabling employees to benefit from these technologies to develop work, increase efficiency, quality, and productivity.

AI and Data Privacy

Maintaining personal data privacy is a civilized concept and a fundamental requirement to protect rights, respect privacy, and enhance trust. Given that AI relies on user-inputted data, "Taqnyat " ensures the privacy of this data in all operations while simultaneously needing to maximize the benefits of this technological revolution. It must consider transparency regarding individual personal information to improve digital experiences and enhance the human-centric social environment. Thus, "Taqnyat" aims to provide security and protection for clients' data, adhering to data protection laws and regulations, developing cybersecurity policies and procedures to ensure data security, and processing it responsibly within its advanced, cutting-edge solutions and products. These solutions meet all needs, are highly secure and technologically advanced, and provide round-the-clock technical support from experts specializing in communication solutions and modern product and service development.

Contact "Taqnyat" and discover how it can help you build a prosperous future for your company.

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